The flash of red and blue lights in your review mirror and concurrent siren will assuredly make your heart sink, palms sweat and mind panic. The rush of emotions can also stir all sorts of confusion on how to handle the situation. This post walks you through how to handle routine traffic stops.
Read moreAuthor: Adam McTish
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Basics
Here in the great US of A, an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is as American as hot dogs, bourbon and cut-off tees. Yet fewer than one third of Americans have opened an IRA, and less than one fifth actually contribute to one (insert face palm). An IRA has great perks: this is what you need to know to take advantage of them.
Read moreTraveling Checklist: What Not to Forget
Going on a trip? Worried you forgot to do something? Fret not: read this before every trip to make sure you’re fully prepared for your travel.
Read moreUnderstanding Credit & Credit Scores
Do credit scores really matter? For most of us, the answer is a big, fat YES. And your credit score isn’t just a matter of paying your bills on time—here’s what a credit score means, why credit scores matter and the surprisingly easiest ways to increase your credit score.
Read more6 Ways to Increase Your Credit Score
Bigger is better, right? In this case it is. For reasons beyond lower interest rates and better access to credit, you want a high credit score. Here are the six easiest ways to increase your credit score.
Read more4 Key Ways to Protect Your Credit
The world is unfortunately full of scumbags trying to steal money at your expense. Oftentimes, identity theft can crush your credit. Here are the four key ways to put your mind and credit at ease.
Read moreYour Fail-Proof Travel Packing List
Worried you’ve forgotten to pack something in that suitcase of yours? Reference this comprehensive travel packing list to make sure you don’t forget anything on your trip!
Read moreTop 10 Basic Tax Strategies
Taxes don’t just matter on April 15th. You may not want to hear it, but taxes should always be in the back of your mind when making spending, saving and investing decisions. While tax strategies can get really complicated really quickly, even basic strategies can save you big chunks of mulla. These are the ten tax-saving strategies you need to remember.
Read moreEverything You Need to Know about a Thrift Savings Plan
For all of you working for good ol’ Uncle Sam, whether as a civilian for the federal government or one of the many heroes serving in military, the Thrift Savings Plan is for you! If the TSP applies to you, make sure you read this post, which includes details on the new TSP Modernization Act, to make saving for retirement as easy as possible.
Read moreEverything You Need to Know about a 457
Have you ever heard of a 457 plan? If not, you’re not alone. These retirement plans are sometimes available to employees of state and local municipal governments, including some local school and state university systems. If you or a loved one falls into one of these employment categories and needs a crash course, look no further. Here is everything you need to know about a 457 plan.
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