No one pulls out of their driveway expecting to get into a car accident. But like the Boy Scouts, you should always be prepared. Here are the critical, potentially lifesaving steps you should take upon experiencing that dreaded crunch.
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What to Do If Pulled Over for DUI
Never, ever, ever drink and drive. A DUI will change your life forever: the $10,000+ price tag attached to a DUI pales in comparison to the irrevocable damage to your career, your reputation and, most importantly, the lives of those driving on roads. But if you’ve been drinking—or are under the influence of drugs—and selfishly get behind the wheel, here’s what to do if you get pulled over.
Read moreYour Rights When Pulled Over by the Police
When you get behind the wheel, you have certain rights. You have the right to tell the backseat driver to shut his pie hole or get PO’d at the grandma in the fast lane. But this post covers your rights when interacting with police, which can be key to your safety and avoiding self-incrimination.
Read moreWhat to Do When You Get Pulled Over
The flash of red and blue lights in your review mirror and concurrent siren will assuredly make your heart sink, palms sweat and mind panic. The rush of emotions can also stir all sorts of confusion on how to handle the situation. This post walks you through how to handle routine traffic stops.
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